Thoughtful & effective care for... 


*My practice is not limited to this list. If you have a specific question or concern you'd like to address, feel free to contact me here or call or text me at (207) 266-8633.                             

*For a longer list of what acupuncture treats, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), click here.    

*Many people pursue acupuncture to treat these conditions, because the results and medical research are well established. 

Offices are located:

in Brunswick, Maine:                            54 Cumberland St, #2: Map (parking in front) at HS-ACUPUNCTURE

in Asheville, North Carolina:
247 Charlotte St, R#3: Map      at White Pine Acupuncture  

"One who eats Qi will attain enlightenment and prolong life."
-- Tao Hong Jing (456-536 C.E.)

Elements of understanding sometimes seem lost in translation. This quote may be such an example, but what it attempts to convey is how basic, pervasive, and all-encompassing the concept of qi is to every aspect of life. Read more here.

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Entries in brunswick (3)


Honoring Our Veterans & Community Protectors

December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, found me honoring our veterans this year by volunteering free acupuncture at the Mid-Coast Veterans Council. This is an important part of my community service, and I enjoy meeting new faces and visiting with familiar ones every time I do it. They are a great group of people.

Likewise, I extend my commitment to our protectors in our communities by offering generous discounts for acupuncture as part of Code Gratitude, available to all men and women, who have served or are serving in Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Military or related agencies.

*For more info about the benefits offered through Code Gratitude, visit here:

*For more information about free acupuncture for veterans at the former Brunswick Naval Air Base, visit here:

*For more information about how the military is using acupuncture in combat, read here:

A big thank you to all those who keep us safe and save our lives!



Winter Reflections

One of my favorite things to do at the start of each month is to turn over the calendar* that celebrates the life and vision of Maine native, Bill Coperthwaite, sometimes known as the Yurt Man.

I met Bill long before I knew I wanted to be an acupuncturist, and later had the good fortune to hike out to his Downeast waterfront property with a good friend one golden Autumn afternoon. We spent a couple of hours together in amiable conversation encompassing ideas, design, travel and conscientious living. Bill died the following year, and it feels a blessing to have had that time with him.

During acupuncture school, I felt similarly inspired by one of my teachers of herbal medicine, Joe Hollis. Joe personifies the Daoist tenet of living amidst nature, and his commitment to the knowledge and cultivation of Chinese medicinal herbs in this country is a testament to their healing potential. His gardens** amidst a sufficiently rugged mountain landscape make for a memorable visit.

Both men are inspirations to me, and it probably should not have come as a surprise for me to learn that they were in fact friends of one another. Examples of Bill's yurt designs sit on both properties, and the land on which these yurts sit both possess a stillness that comes from being loved and serving a special purpose.

The friendship of these two men also seemed a personal validation of my love of Maine and my calling to help people with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

As we look at the weeks and months of winter that span before us, we are presented with an opportunity to ask ourselves, what inspires us?

Maybe this source of inspiration will come from a book, a movie or even picking up the phone and reaching out to a friend whom we may not have talked to in a while. Maybe this time of investigation can even plant a seed for a plan in warmer weather to make a journey that fills our heart.

Such time for reflection is the gift of a New England winter, and I wish you joy and revelation in yours.

*For more information about Bill Coperthwaite, as well as how to order the calendar honoring his life and work, click here:

**For more information about Joe Hollis and his work in the mountains of North Carolina, click here:

(Photos courtesy of ; and



FREE Qi Gong Classes ~ Mondays, Fall 2016


Welcome to a FREE qi gong class on most Mondays in the Fall of 2016, at 6:30 pm at HS-ACUPUNCTURE.COM at 54 Cumberland St #2, in Brunswick, Maine. Wear comfortable clothes and prepare to cultivate your inner capacity for healing. No experience needed. 

In class, we will be doing a series of gentle, healing exercises, specifically called Tai Yu Shen Gong, which come to us from the sacred Hua Shan Mountain in China, as transmitted by Jeffrey Yuen, 88th generation Daoist Priest of the Jade Purity Tradition.

These are the first nine of three sets of exercises from this alchemical tradition. Intended to restore our innate healing capacities, these exercises enable us to cultivate the interplay between matter and energy, jing and shen, transforming heaviness to lightness, in service of our own health and personal growth.

For additional information about qi gong in general, click here.

For more information or questions about the class, feel free to call 266-8633.